Aredronet Injection साठी कृती अन्न

Aredronet Injection साठी कृती दारू

Aredronet Injection साठी कृती गर्भधारणा

Aredronet Injection साठी कृती स्तनपान

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अल्कोहोलसोबत वर्तन अज्ञात आहे. कृपया डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या. काही नाही
Aredronet 90mg Injection गर्भारपणात असुरक्षित आहे.
मानवी भ्रूणावरील जोखमीचे सकारात्मक पुरावे आहेत, परंतु जोखीम असूनही उदा. प्राणघातक स्थितींसाठी गर्भार स्त्रियांमध्ये वापरण्याचे लाभ ग्राह्य आहेत. कृपया तुमच्या डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.
Aredronet 90mg Injection बहुधा स्तनपान करवण्याच्या दरम्यान वापरण्यास सुरक्षित आहे. मर्यादित मानवीय आकडेवारीवरुन दिसते की या औषधामुळे बाळाला लक्षणीय जोखीम होणार नाही.

Aredronet 90mg Injection साठी क्षार माहिती


Aredronet injection वापरते

Aredronet 90mg Injection ला कर्करोगामुळे रक्तात कॅल्शियम पातळी वाढणेच्या उपचारात वापरले जाते.

Aredronet injectionकसे कार्य करतो

"Aredronet 90mg Injection हाडांची क्षती थांबवून त्यांची निर्मिती करते जी कदाचित आजारांमुळे नष्ट झालेली असते."

Aredronet injection चे सामान्य दुष्प्रभाव

डोकेदुखी, पाठदुखी, Musculoskeletal pain, अपचन, हृदयात जळजळणे, अतिसार

Aredronet Injection साठी विकल्प

5 विकल्प
5 विकल्प
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    Rs. 174.50/ml of Injection
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  • Pamimed 90mg Injection
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    Rs. 3296/Injection
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  • Bonapam 90mg Injection
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Aredronet Injection साठी निपुण सल्ला

  • तुम्हाला पुढीलपैकी काही वैद्यकीय समस्या असेल तर डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्याः हृदयासंबंधी समस्या, यकृत/ मूत्रपिंड / थायरॉईडची समस्या, लाल रक्तपेशी आणि प्लेटलेटस् चं कमी प्रमाण, कॅल्शियम अथवा ड जीवनसत्त्वाची कमतरता, दात किंवा जबड्यासंबंधीच्या तक्रारी, फ्लूसदृश्य स्थिती
  • कॅल्सिटोनिन, थॅलिडोमाईड, इतर बायफॉस्फोनेट औषधं अथवा मूत्रपिंविषयक समस्यांसाठी वापरली जाणारी औषधं घेत असाल तर डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.
  • पामिड्रोनेटची औषध योजना चालू असताना भरपूर पाणी प्या
  • पामिड्रोमेट सुरू असताना दातांच्या आरोग्याची काळजी घ्या. दातासाठी वापरली जाणारी इतर औषधं वापरणं टाळा.
  • पामिड्रोनेटमुळे जबड्याच्या हाडांची हानी होऊ शकते ( जबड्याचा ऑस्टिओनेक्रोसिस ज्यामुळे जबडा दुखणे, सुजणे, बधीर होणे, दात सैल होणे, हिरड्यांना संसर्ग किंवा हिरड्यांवरील शस्त्रक्रियेनंतर अथवा त्यांना दुखापत झाल्यास जखमा लवकर न भरून येणे असे त्रास होतात). असे काही परिणाम दिसून आले तर हे औषध घेणं थांबवा.
  • हे औषध घेतल्यानंतर चक्कर आल्यासारखं वाटत असल्यानं वाहन चालवणं, यंत्रावर काम करणं टाळा.

Aredronet 90mg Injectionसाठी नेहमी विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न


Q. What does Aredronet 90mg Injection do?
Aredronet 90mg Injection helps in preventing breakdown of the bones. Bone is continuously being broken down and regenerated by special kinds of bone cells by a process called remodelling or turnover. However, conditions like bone stress and bone marrow edema may create pain and imbalance in this daily turnover. Aredronet 90mg Injection acts in the areas with increased bone turnover, decreases this process of breakdown and thereby reduces the pain and discomfort associated with it.
Q. How is Aredronet 90mg Injection administered?
Aredronet 90mg Injection should be administered under the supervision of a doctor or a trained healthcare professional and should not be self-administered. It is given as a 1-2 hour infusion by a drip into a vein in your arm. The dose will depend on the condition you are being treated for and will be decided by your doctor. Follow your doctor’s instructions carefully to get maximum benefit from Aredronet 90mg Injection.
Q. How often will I be given Aredronet 90mg Injection?
Your dose of Aredronet 90mg Injection will be decided by your doctor depending on your condition. Usually, an individual requires 1-3 doses of Aredronet 90mg Injection.However, the exact dose and its frequency will depend on your illness and how well you respond to the treatment.
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Q. Is Aredronet 90mg Injection safe in pregnancy or breastfeeding?
No, Aredronet 90mg Injection may not be safe in pregnancy or breastfeeding. Although Aredronet 90mg Injection does not affect the fertility of women or the sperm count in males, it is best to consult your doctor before taking Aredronet 90mg Injection. In general, avoid Aredronet 90mg Injection if you are pregnant, planning to get pregnant or breastfeeding to avoid any harmful effects on the baby. There is not enough data available to know the exact effect of Aredronet 90mg Injection on the unborn baby or via breast milk. Also, women who are taking Aredronet 90mg Injection are advised to avoid pregnancy after 6 months of completing treatment with Aredronet 90mg Injection.. This is because traces of Aredronet 90mg Injection stays in the bones for long periods of time and may be released during this time which can cause harm to the baby.
Q. Does Aredronet 90mg Injection cause hair loss?
Yes, Aredronet 90mg Injection can cause hair loss, but this is not a common side effect. If you experience hair loss while taking this medication immediately report to your doctor and follow the advice given.
Q. Is Aredronet 90mg Injection safe?
Aredronet 90mg Injection is safe if used in the dose and duration advised by your doctor. Take it exactly as directed and do not skip any dose. Follow your doctor's instructions carefully and let your doctor know if any of the side effects bother you.
Q. What other lifestyle changes should I make?
To get maximum benefit from Aredronet 90mg Injection, there are certain lifestyle changes that you must adhere to. Include some calcium or Vitamin D rich foods for bone strength. Try to spend more time in sunlight to get natural vitamin D. Quit smoking and reduce alcohol consumption as they may harm your bones. You can take up an exercise regime such as walking and low-impact aerobics as they are good for your bones. Similarly, you can try strength-training exercises where you use your own body weight which in turn improve bone health.

Content on this page was last updated on 04 September, 2024, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)