SBL utrofyne syrup is indicated for menstrual problem is women. A clinically proven homeopathic product consisting of ingredients like Janosia asoka Q, china officinalis Q, Abroma auguist q etc to treat symptoms of menstrual irregularities
When menstrual cycle gets disturbed, it leads to irregular bleeding.Utrofyne is a unique combination of homoeopathic medicines to regularize menstrual cycles and to alleviate symptoms associated with periods. Irregular, profuse menstruation (Menorrhagia, Metrorrhagia) and associated symptoms like backache and feeling tired.
Ingredients: SBL Utrofyne Syrup Contains: Janosia Ashoka, Cinchona Off, Abroma Aug, Caulophyllum, Viburnum Op.Pulsatilla, Mag Phos.
Dosage: 1 teaspoon of SBL Utrofyne Syrup 3 times a day