Rs. 180

REPL Dr. Advice No.88 Ringg Worm Drop

(30 ml Drop in bottle)
REPL Dr. Advice No.88 Ringg Worm Drop
Product Details
Indication: Ring-shape lesions, Ring worm offensive odors from affected parts, Barberis itch, Stinging in skin, Itching of hands and feet, back of ears and occiput.
Each 5 ml. Contains   Bacilinum  - 200x  0.50 ml Sulphur  - 6x  0.50 ml Sepia  - 6x  1.00 ml Calcarea Carb  - 200x  1.00 ml Tellurium  - 6  2.00 ml Mode of Action        
Bacilinum 200x: Ring worm-Alopcia areata. Did not want to disturbed.      
Sulphur 6x: Scabius eruptions and tetters of a greenish yellow colour, feels so good to scratch.      
Sepia 6x: Dry itching eruptions, like scabies & burning sensation.      
Calcarea Carbonica 200x: Visible quivering of the skin from head to foot, Burning- Skin of the body rough, dry.      
Tellurium 6x: Rash, Redness of skin, Pricking as with needles, Ring worm on face, Barber’s itch, whole body.

Use under medical supervision.

Content on this page was last updated on 17 September, 2024, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)