Rs. 180

Product Details
Indication: Fatty or rich food causes indigestion, which coloured stools. Diarrhoea after fatty food. White or slimy stoods, Dysentry. Has a specific place the treatment of colitis.
Each 5 ml. Contains Sulphur - 200X 0.25 ml Argent Nit. - 30X 0.75 ml Cantharis - 6X 0.50 ml Colchicum - 6X 0.50 ml Dioscoria - Q 0.50 ml Mag.Carb - 6X 0.50 ml Merc Sol - 6 1.00 ml Balsmum - 6X 0.50. ml Kali Mure - 6 0.50. ml
Mode of Action
Sulphur 200x: Discharge of liquid from anus.
Argentum Nitricum 30x: As soon as the least drink is taken, it goes through.
Cantharis 6x: Nocturnal evacuation of whitish mucus, and solid pieces.
Colchicum 6x: Colitis of white transparent gelatinous mucous, ineffectual pressing to stool.
Dioscorea Villosa Q: Loose stool with much straining, stool slimy.
Magnesia Carbonica 6x: Stools with white floating lumps, like yellow.
Mercurius Solubillis 6x: Loose and dysenteric evacuation, principally at night.
Balsmum Peruvianum 6x: Copious liquid stool, Painless.
Kali Muriaticum 6x: Colitis, purging, with slimy stools, with pale yellow.
Use under medical supervision.
Each 5 ml. Contains Sulphur - 200X 0.25 ml Argent Nit. - 30X 0.75 ml Cantharis - 6X 0.50 ml Colchicum - 6X 0.50 ml Dioscoria - Q 0.50 ml Mag.Carb - 6X 0.50 ml Merc Sol - 6 1.00 ml Balsmum - 6X 0.50. ml Kali Mure - 6 0.50. ml
Mode of Action
Sulphur 200x: Discharge of liquid from anus.
Argentum Nitricum 30x: As soon as the least drink is taken, it goes through.
Cantharis 6x: Nocturnal evacuation of whitish mucus, and solid pieces.
Colchicum 6x: Colitis of white transparent gelatinous mucous, ineffectual pressing to stool.
Dioscorea Villosa Q: Loose stool with much straining, stool slimy.
Magnesia Carbonica 6x: Stools with white floating lumps, like yellow.
Mercurius Solubillis 6x: Loose and dysenteric evacuation, principally at night.
Balsmum Peruvianum 6x: Copious liquid stool, Painless.
Kali Muriaticum 6x: Colitis, purging, with slimy stools, with pale yellow.
Use under medical supervision.