Rs. 180

Product Details
Indication: The medicine act favorably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma can be elicited. Or symptoms of the disease itself exist.
Each 5 ml. Contains
Hydrastis - Q 1.00 ml Ars Iod - 6 0.25 ml Carcinocin - 30 0.25 ml Conium - 30X 0.50 ml Carbo Ani. - 6X 0.50 ml Cinamonum - Q 1.00 ml Lapis Alb. - 6 0.50 ml Cholesterine - 3 0.50 ml Asterias - 6 0.50 ml
Mode of Action
Hydrastis Canadensis Q: Cancer and cancerous state before ulceration when pain is principal symptom.
Arsenicum Iodatum 6x: Cancer of breast after ulceration has set in.
Carcinocin 30x: Carcinosin acts favorably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma.
Conium 30x: Gangrenous ulcers, ulceration of bones Panaris.
Carbo Animalis 6x: Hard and painful swelling of the glands.
Cinnamounum Q: Cancer where pain and fetor are present.
Lapis Albus 6x: Carcinoma, Fibroma, Glands enlarged, Burning stinging pain.
Cholesterinum 6x: Liver, cancer of disease of.
Asterias Rubens 6x: Has been used for cancer of the breast and over cancer disease.
Use under medical supervision.
Each 5 ml. Contains
Hydrastis - Q 1.00 ml Ars Iod - 6 0.25 ml Carcinocin - 30 0.25 ml Conium - 30X 0.50 ml Carbo Ani. - 6X 0.50 ml Cinamonum - Q 1.00 ml Lapis Alb. - 6 0.50 ml Cholesterine - 3 0.50 ml Asterias - 6 0.50 ml
Mode of Action
Hydrastis Canadensis Q: Cancer and cancerous state before ulceration when pain is principal symptom.
Arsenicum Iodatum 6x: Cancer of breast after ulceration has set in.
Carcinocin 30x: Carcinosin acts favorably and modifies all cases in which either a history of carcinoma.
Conium 30x: Gangrenous ulcers, ulceration of bones Panaris.
Carbo Animalis 6x: Hard and painful swelling of the glands.
Cinnamounum Q: Cancer where pain and fetor are present.
Lapis Albus 6x: Carcinoma, Fibroma, Glands enlarged, Burning stinging pain.
Cholesterinum 6x: Liver, cancer of disease of.
Asterias Rubens 6x: Has been used for cancer of the breast and over cancer disease.
Use under medical supervision.