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Dr. Goel's Septafine Drop For Dog & Cat

(30 ml Oral Drops in bottle)
Dr. Goel's Septafine Drop For Dog & Cat
Product Details
Dr. Goel's Septafine Drop for Dog and Cat
Septafine drops for pets are the best remedy for managing conditions of sepsis anywhere in the body with exceptional improvement in metritis and pyometra conditions. It conditions septic or septic-like symptoms in any part of the body. Septafine drops for pets are an excellent remedy that reduces the pus formation in the body and heals the injury or internal wound fast.

Key Ingredients:
  • Echinacea
  • Silicea
  • Arnica Montana
  • Arsenicum Album
  • Hepar Sulph
  • Pyrogen
  • Calcarea Sulphurica

Key Benefits:
  • Echinacea: Helps to manage irregular, chills, the rise of temperature, sweat, chilliness with nausea, cold flashes all over the back, chill in left occiput, the temperature raised a degree with flushed face and fullness of head, malarial fever, manages changes in the blood, simulating typhoid, pyemia, diphtheria, scarlatina, septicemia, and the effects of vaccination, tendency to suppuration, offensive discharges, biting, tingling sensations, listless and feeling worse evening, high fever and flushed face, marked chilliness
  • Silicea: Prevents tendency to easy exhaustion and abnormal sweats, enlarged glands, they show incomplete inflammation glands, cellular tissue and skin, then induration, edema in the morning, the disease of bones and cartilages, decay, and necrosis of bones, skin is unhealthy, every injury festers,suppurative processes,stubborn, fistulous opening, abscesses,pustules borrowings, ripen abscesses promotes suppuration, ailments attended with pus formation, discharges offensive, pus, sweats, stools, etc, remove foreign bodies, organic changes, it is deep and slow in action, periodical states, ascending effects, pains are violent and sticking, localized in ears, throat, ulcers, etc, parts lay on to go to sleep, a milky, acrid leucorrhoea during urination, itching of vulva and vagina, very sensitive, discharge of blood between menstrual periods, increase menses, with a paroxysm of icy coldness over the whole body, nipple very sore, ulcerated easily drawn, fistulous ulcers of the breast, abscess of labia, discharge of blood from vagina every time child is nursed, a vaginal cyst, hard lumps in the breast
  • Arsenicum Album: Helps to condition malarial cachexia, septic infections and low vitality, green discharges, and frequent fainting, the prostration seems to be out of proportion to the rest of the illness

Directions For Use:
  • For pups and kittens: 5-10 drops tds
  • For cats: 10-15 drops tds
  • For dogs (small breed): 15-20 drops tds
  • For dogs (large breed): 20-25 drops tds

Safety Information:
  • Over Counter (OTC) homoeopathic medicine that works naturally with no side effects, no drug interactions, and no contraindications
  • Can be safely used along with other medications
  • Drops work instantly when given onto the tongue
  • Keep it away from the reach of children

Content on this page was last updated on 16 September, 2024, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)