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Dr. Goel's Diabosyz Jumbo Kit

(1 Kit in box)
Dr. Goel's Diabosyz Jumbo Kit
Product Details
Dr. Goel's Diabosyz Jumbo Kit
Diabosyz jumbo kit for the pet, a unique formulation for managing conditions of diabetes and associated problems. The development of this formulation by a renowned veterinarian in India after lengthy consultations with homoeopaths and trials of different medicine in field conditions for years. Diabosyz jumbo kit contains two medicines one is syzygium jambolana q 30ml and the other one is diabosyz – 30 ml which is a homoeopathic veterinary medicine that regulates the hormones in pets by stimulating the pancreatic gland. Diabosyz jumbo kit is the best homoeopathic veterinary medicine for pet animals in the case of diabetes and associated problems like frequent urination, unusual thrust, loss of body weight, etc.

Key Ingredients:
  • Alfalfa (medicago sativa)
  • Avena sativa
  • Ginseng
  • Cinchona officinalis
  • Hydrastis canadensis
  • Kalium phosphoricum
  • Kalium arsenicosum
  • Ferrum aceticum
  • Calcarea phosphorica

Key Benefits:
  • Alfalfa (medicago sativa): Emptiness, weak feeling, faintness, Hungry feeling not ameliorated by eating. Nervous indigestion. Profuse urine increased. Scanty, sediment, increased indicant, phosphates. Sugar in urine. Metabolic regulator. Lack of appetite or aversion to all food. Disorders characterized by malnutrition, including neurasthenia, syphilis, insomnia, or nervous digestion. Anorexia nervosa. Pronounced urinary action. Diabetes insipidus and phosphaturia. Weakness, enervation, exhaustion, prostration, infirmity. Muscle weakness. Convulsive movements. Desires sweets
  • Avena sativa: Selective action on the brain and nervous system, favourably influencing their nutritive function. Leading indications are nervous exhaustion, sexual debility, and general sleeplessness with nervous exhaustion and weakness. Chronic insomnia. It is useful in nervous exhaustion, sexual debility, and debility after exhausting diseases. Sediment, phosphates increased in urine
  • Ginseng: It is an aromatic stimulant and removes feelings of fatigue, imparting a joyous sense of Pruritus and of vigour and elasticity to the limbs, especially the upper limbs, and clearness of burning in the urethra with frequent urging to urinate. Yellowish lemon-coloured urine, depositing red sediment. Painful drawings in the stomach, as from hunger
  • Cinchona officinalis: Urine turbid, dark,scanty. Pinkish Hematuria. Pressure in the bladder follows frequent and ineffectual efforts to urinate. Frequent urination with pressure in the bladder. Urine turbid, dark, scanty. Urine pale, becoming cloudy or depositing a dingy, yellow, loose sediment
  • Hydrastis Canadensis: Gleety discharge, thick, yellow. Mucus in difficult painful urination. Suppression of urine. Incontinence. Urine smells decomposed and putrid. Urine increased and of neutral reaction. High-coloured urine deposits cloudy sediment when standing. Constant desire to urinate. Weak muscular power. Emaciation and prostration. Frequent fainting spells with profuse perspiration. Poor digestion and obstinate constipation. Debility and weakness in the back and lower limbs better walking about. Prevents weak digestion with debility, atonic dyspepsia, chronic gastritis
  • Kalium Phosphoricum: Incontinence of very yellow urine, saffron yellow or milky. It was bleeding from the urethra. The urine comes in stops and starts. Hungry soon after eating. Kali phosphoricum acts upon the brain and nerve cells, upon the corpuscles of the blood affecting nutrition, causing irritation, slight inflammation, and a certain degree of degeneration. In general, a sluggish condition of mind, which will act if aroused, and also an exhausted mental condition after mental exertion or great strain, it corresponds to the hosts of conditions known as neurasthenia, in which field it has won its greatest laurels
  • Kalium Phosphoricum: Urine scanty with mental and physical restlessness. Great nervousness. Empty feeling in the stomach. Weight in the stomach after eating
  • Ferrum Aceticum:Act as a nutritional supplement for cell metabolism, and prevent anaemic alkaline urine in acute diseases
  • Calcarea Phosphorica:Urine increased with the sensation of pain in the region of kidneys, worse blowing nose or lifting. Frequent urging to urinate. Dark urine, warmer than usual, and of a penetrating odour. Increased urine, with flocculent sediment. Weak digestion, every bite hurts the stomach. Calcarea Phosphorica is essential to the proper growth and nutrition of the body. This salt is found in the blood plasma and corpuscles, saliva, gastric juice, bones, connective tissue, teeth, milk, etc. It also supplies new blood cells, becoming the first remedy for anaemia and chlorosis. It is of the greatest importance to the soft and growing tissues, promoting cell growth, and supplying the first basis for the new tissues, hence is necessary to initiate growth. It is the nutritive salt for the periosteum and through it for bones. Important for the life of the blood, without it, there is no coagulation

Directions For Use:
  • For cats: 10-15 drops tds
  • For dogs (small breed): 15-20 drops tds
  • For dogs (large breed):
  • 20-25 drops tds

Safety Information:

  • Over Counter (OTC) homoeopathic medicine that works naturally with no side effects, no drug interactions, and no contraindications
  • Can be safely used along with other medications
  • Drops work instantly when given onto the tongue
  • Keep it away from the reach of children

Content on this page was last updated on 15 September, 2024, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)