Rs. 300

Product Details
Allen Anti Warts Combo contains Allen A31 Warts Drop and Allen Dewarts Cream.
Allen A31 Warts Drop
Allen A31 Warts Drop effectively and permanently treats all kinds of warts (common warts, plantar warts, flat warts, filiform warts, periungual warts) & corns.
Ingredients: Each 5ml. Contains: Thuja occidentalis 3x 1.00 ml, Silicea 3x 1.00 gm, Acidum nitricum 3x 1.00 ml, Causticum 3x 1.00 ml, Acidum boracicum 3x 0.75 gm, In Aqua Destillata.
Directions for use
Take 8 to 10 drops in half cup of water daily 3 times. Or as directed by the Physician.
Allen Dewarts Cream
Allen Dewarts Cream effectively and permanently treat all kinds of warts (common warts, plantar warts, flat warts, filiform warts, periungual warts) & corns.
Ingredients: Remedies Used Aloe socotrina Q 0.050gms, Antimonium crudum Q 0.025 gms, Belladonna Q 0.050 gms, Collinsonia canadensis Q 0.025 gms, Dulcamara Q 0.050gms, Graphites Q 0.025 gms, Ruta graveolens Q 0.100gms, Sarsaparilla 3x 0.025 gms, Sulphur Q 0.050gms, Thuja occidentalis Q 0.100gms, In Cream Base.
Directions for use
Wash and Clean the affected area. Gently apply the cream. Do not apply to healthy skin. Use 2 to 3 times a day.
Use under medical supervision.
Allen A31 Warts Drop
Allen A31 Warts Drop effectively and permanently treats all kinds of warts (common warts, plantar warts, flat warts, filiform warts, periungual warts) & corns.
Ingredients: Each 5ml. Contains: Thuja occidentalis 3x 1.00 ml, Silicea 3x 1.00 gm, Acidum nitricum 3x 1.00 ml, Causticum 3x 1.00 ml, Acidum boracicum 3x 0.75 gm, In Aqua Destillata.
Directions for use
Take 8 to 10 drops in half cup of water daily 3 times. Or as directed by the Physician.
Allen Dewarts Cream
Allen Dewarts Cream effectively and permanently treat all kinds of warts (common warts, plantar warts, flat warts, filiform warts, periungual warts) & corns.
Ingredients: Remedies Used Aloe socotrina Q 0.050gms, Antimonium crudum Q 0.025 gms, Belladonna Q 0.050 gms, Collinsonia canadensis Q 0.025 gms, Dulcamara Q 0.050gms, Graphites Q 0.025 gms, Ruta graveolens Q 0.100gms, Sarsaparilla 3x 0.025 gms, Sulphur Q 0.050gms, Thuja occidentalis Q 0.100gms, In Cream Base.
Directions for use
Wash and Clean the affected area. Gently apply the cream. Do not apply to healthy skin. Use 2 to 3 times a day.
Use under medical supervision.