Uriway 40 Tablet

Rs.104for 1 strip(s) (10 tablets each)
दुर्दैवाने आमच्याकडे संग्रहात घटक शिल्लक नाहीत.
एररची सूचना द्या

Uriway 40mg Tablet साठी संमिश्रण


Uriway Tablet साठी कृती अन्न

Uriway Tablet साठी कृती दारू

Uriway Tablet साठी कृती गर्भधारणा

Uriway Tablet साठी कृती स्तनपान

Uriway 40 Tablet ला अन्नासोबत किंवा शिवाय घेतले जाऊ शकते परंतु ते एका विशिष्ठ वेळी घ्यावे.
Uriway 40 Tablet सोबत अल्कोहोल घेणे सामान्यत: असुरक्षित असते.
Uriway 40 Tablet गर्भारपणात असुरक्षित असू शकते.
प्राण्यांवरील अभ्यास भ्रूणावर घातक परिणाम दर्शवतात, परंतू मानवी अभ्यास मर्यादित आहेत. गर्भार स्त्रियांमध्ये वापरण्याचे लाभ जोखीम असून देखील ग्राह्य आहेत. कृपया तुमच्या डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.
Uriway 40 Tablet बहुधा स्तनपानाच्या दरम्यान वापरण्यास असुरक्षित आहे. मर्यादित मानवीय आकडेवारी सूचित करते की या औषधाने बाळाला एक लक्षणीय जोखीम होऊ शकते.

Uriway 40mg Tablet साठी क्षार माहिती


Uriway tablet वापरते

Uriway 40 Tablet ला संधिरोगच्या उपचारात वापरले जाते.

Uriway tabletकसे कार्य करतो

जैंथाइन ऑक्सिडेज इन्हिबिटर. हे तुमच्या रक्तात यूरिक आम्लच्या पातळीला कमी करते जी गाउटचा हल्ला आणि काहीप्रकारच्या मूतखड्याला थांबवते.

Uriway tablet चे सामान्य दुष्प्रभाव

यकृतातील एन्झाईम वाढणे, अतिसार, डोकेदुखी, अन्न खावेसे न वाटणे, त्वचेवर पुरळ

Uriway Tablet साठी विकल्प

755 विकल्प
755 विकल्प
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Uriway Tablet साठी निपुण सल्ला

  • तुम्ही गर्भवती असाल, होणार असाल, स्तनपान करवत असाल तर फेबुक्सोस्टॅट गोळ्या सुरु करु नका किंवा चालू ठेवू नका आणि तुमच्या डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.
  • झटके टाळण्यासाठी, बिअर, साखरयुक्त पेयं, आणि पदार्थ जसे लाल मांस, समुद्री खाद्य, टर्की, अस्परॅगस, पानकोबी, पालक आणि मशरुम्स खाणे टाळा.
  • तुम्ही प्रथम फेबुक्सोस्टॅट घेणे सुरु कराल तेव्हा तुम्हाला गाऊट लक्षणामध्ये वाढ होऊ शकते. उत्तम परिणामांसाठी, हे औषध सूचनांनुसार घेत राहावे.

Uriway 40mg Tabletसाठी नेहमी विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न


Q. What is Uriway 40 Tablet used for?
Uriway 40 Tablet is used to treat gout in adults. It is mainly used in patients who did not respond to the treatment with allopurinol or who are not able to take allopurinol. Gout is a type of arthritis in which uric acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body, builds up in the joints. It causes sudden attacks of redness, swelling, pain, and heat in one or more joints.
Q. What are the side effects of Uriway 40 Tablet?
Uriway 40 Tablet may cause common side effects such as abnormal liver test results, diarrhea, headache, rash, nausea, and even an increase in gout symptoms and localized swelling due to retention of fluids in tissues (edema). Whereas, the serious side effects of Uriway 40 Tablet include heart problems, gout flares, liver problems, and severe skin and allergic reactions. Immediately inform your doctor if you experience any serious side effects.
Q. How long should I take Uriway 40 Tablet?
The dose and duration of Uriway 40 Tablet vary from person to person and are decided by your doctor. It may take several months before Uriway 40 Tablet begins to prevent gout attacks. Do not stop taking Uriway 40 Tablet without the advice of your doctor even if you feel better.
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Q. What is the best time to take Uriway 40 Tablet?
Uriway 40 Tablet is advised to be taken once a day. It can be taken at any time of the day, but preferably at the same time each day so that you remember to take it every day. This will help maintain the levels of Uriway 40 Tablet in the body. You can take this medicine with or without food.
Q. Can Uriway 40 Tablet cause kidney damage?
Uriway 40 Tablet may affect kidneys in different ways, though it is quite uncommon. You may experience blood in the urine, frequent urination, kidney stones, abnormal urine tests (increased level of proteins in the urine), and a reduction in the ability of the kidneys to function properly. Rarely, it may cause changes or decrease in urine amount due to inflammation in the kidneys (tubulointerstitial nephritis). Consult your doctor if your kidney functions get further affected.
Q. Can I stop taking Uriway 40 Tablet on my own if I am fine and have no pain or swelling in joints?
No, do not stop taking Uriway 40 Tablet without your doctor's advice even if you feel better. Discontinuation of medicine may increase the levels of uric acid. It may also worsen your symptoms due to the formation of new crystals of urate in and around your joints and kidneys.
Q. What are the things which I need to know while taking Uriway 40 Tablet?
You should be aware that Uriway 40 Tablet may cause serious heart problems which can be life-threatening in some cases. The symptoms of heart problems include chest pain, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, dizziness, fainting or feeling light-headed, rapid or irregular heartbeat. It may also cause numbness or weakness in one side of your body, slurring of speech and sudden blurry vision, or sudden severe headache. Immediately inform your doctor and seek medical help if you experience any of these symptoms.
Q. Can Uriway 40 Tablet cause any liver problems?
Yes, Uriway 40 Tablet use may cause liver problems. Your doctor may advise you to get regular blood tests done before and during treatment with Uriway 40 Tablet to check how well your liver was working before and while taking this medicine. Inform your doctor if you notice symptoms such as fatigue, pain, or tenderness on the right side of the abdomen or loss of appetite for several days or longer. It may also cause changes in the color of urine (dark or tea-colored) and may make your skin or the white part of your eyes turn yellow (jaundice).

Content on this page was last updated on 07 September, 2024, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)