Udcament Oral Suspension

Rs.367for 1 bottle(s) (100 ml Oral Suspension each)
दुर्दैवाने आमच्याकडे संग्रहात घटक शिल्लक नाहीत.
एररची सूचना द्या

Udcament 125mg/5ml Oral Suspension साठी संमिश्रण

Ursodeoxycholic Acid(125mg/5ml)

Udcament Oral Suspension साठी कृती अन्न

Udcament Oral Suspension साठी कृती दारू

Udcament Oral Suspension साठी कृती गर्भधारणा

Udcament Oral Suspension साठी कृती स्तनपान

Udcament Oral Suspension ला अन्नासोबत घेणे अधिक चांगले आहे
अल्कोहोलसोबत वर्तन अज्ञात आहे. कृपया डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या. काही नाही
Udcament Oral Suspension गर्भारपणात सुरक्षित असू शकते.
भरपूर आणि नियंत्रीत प्राण्यांवरील अभ्यास भ्रूणावर कमी किंवा शून्य जोखीम दर्शवतात, परंतू मानवी अभ्यास मर्यादित आहेत. कृपया तुमच्या डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.
Udcament Oral Suspension बहुधा स्तनपान करवण्याच्या दरम्यान वापरण्यास सुरक्षित आहे. मर्यादित मानवीय आकडेवारीवरुन दिसते की या औषधामुळे बाळाला लक्षणीय जोखीम होणार नाही.

Udcament 125mg/5ml Oral Suspension साठी क्षार माहिती

Ursodeoxycholic Acid(125mg/5ml)

Udcament oral suspension वापरते

Udcament oral suspensionकसे कार्य करतो

उर्सोडेओक्सीकोलिक ऍसिड एक पित्तअम्ल आहे जे शरीराद्वारे नैसर्गिकपणे उत्पन्न केला जाणारा पदार्थ आहे जे पित्ताशयमध्ये साठते. हे कोलेस्ट्रॉलच्या उत्पादनाला कमी करते आणि पित्तात कोलेस्ट्रॉल मिसळते ज्यामुळे त्याचा खडा बनवणार नाही.
उर्सोडेओक्सीकोलिक ऍसिड एक पित्तअम्ल आहे जे शरीराद्वारे नैसर्गिकपणे उत्पन्न केला जाणारा पदार्थ आहे जे पित्ताशयमध्ये साठते. हे कोलेस्ट्रॉलच्या उत्पादनाला कमी करते आणि पित्तात कोलेस्ट्रॉल मिसळते ज्यामुळे त्याचा खडा बनवणार नाही.

Udcament oral suspension चे सामान्य दुष्प्रभाव

अन्न खावेसे न वाटणे, पुरळ, केस गळणे, खाज सुटणे, पोटात दुखणे, अतिसार

Udcament Oral Suspension साठी विकल्प

6 विकल्प
6 विकल्प
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Udcament 125mg/5ml Oral Suspensionसाठी नेहमी विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न

Ursodeoxycholic Acid

Q. When should I take Udcament Oral Suspension?
The suitable timing of taking this medicine might differ depending upon your condition. Your doctor might instruct you to take 2 to 3 doses per day and suggest to take the last dose at bedtime. Udcament Oral Suspension should be taken with water milk and can be taken with food or after food. When prescribed for dissolving gallstones, it is usually suggested to be taken once daily at night. Ideally, it should be taken at a gap of 6 hours, for example at 8 am, 2 pm and 8 pm.
Q. Is Udcament Oral Suspension safe?
Udcament Oral Suspension is usually considered to be a safe and effective medicine. However, this medicine may have some common side effects, such as diarrhea. If diarrhea occurs, your doctor may reduce the dose and if it persists, your treatment may be discontinued. Additionally, using this medicine as a long-term therapy may also affect your liver enzyme levels. To keep a check on this, your doctor will keep monitoring your liver enzyme levels regularly. Despite these minor side effects, this medicine is supposed to be a good alternative to surgery in some patients with gallstones.
Q. How does Udcament Oral Suspension help the liver?
Udcament Oral Suspension acts on the liver and gets concentrated in the bile secreted from the liver. This, as a result, suppresses the synthesis and secretion of cholesterol by the liver, thereby decreasing the cholesterol levels in bile. This medicine also acts by stopping the intestines from absorbing the bile salts and cholesterol. So, the reduced cholesterol saturation in the bile from the liver leads to the gradual dissolving of cholesterol from gallstones, leading to a decrease in size and their eventual dissolution. It also reduces elevated liver enzyme levels by increasing the bile flow through the liver, hence protecting the liver cells.
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Q. Does Udcament Oral Suspension cause weight gain?
Yes, there is a chance of weight gain with Udcament Oral Suspension, but it is not common. The use of Udcament Oral Suspension can cause weight gain when prescribed in patients with liver disease associated with chronic stasis of bile in small bile ducts of the liver. In such condition, bile cannot flow from the liver to the small intestine. Again, the chance of weight gain varies from person to person depending upon the disease, so consult your doctor if you experience weight gain.
Q. What should I avoid while taking Udcament Oral Suspension?
While taking Udcament Oral Suspension, avoid taking an antacid preparation without consulting your doctor, as they decrease the effectiveness of Udcament Oral Suspension. You should also avoid medicines like cholestyramine or colestipol as they affect the effectiveness of Udcament Oral Suspension. So, ask your doctor about the time gap that should be maintained between Udcament Oral Suspension and these medicines. Also, avoid taking oral contraceptives, estrogenic hormones and blood cholesterol-lowering agents such as clofibrate as they may increase the chances of developing gallstones and act opposite to the Udcament Oral Suspension.

Content on this page was last updated on 30 September, 2024, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)