Terapal 500mg Capsule

Rs.9.20for 1 strip(s) (10 capsules each)
दुर्दैवाने आमच्याकडे संग्रहात घटक शिल्लक नाहीत.
एररची सूचना द्या

Terapal 500mg Capsule साठी संमिश्रण


Terapal Capsule साठी कृती अन्न

Terapal Capsule साठी कृती दारू

Terapal Capsule साठी कृती गर्भधारणा

Terapal Capsule साठी कृती स्तनपान

Terapal 500mg Capsule ला रिकाम्या पोटी (अन्न सेवनाच्या 1 तास आधी किंवा अन्न सेवनानंतर2 तासांनी) घेणे अधिक चांगले आहे.
Terapal 500mg Capsule सोबत अल्कोहोल घेणे सामान्यत: सुरक्षित असते.
Terapal 500mg Capsule गर्भारपणात असुरक्षित आहे.
मानवी भ्रूणावरील जोखमीचे सकारात्मक पुरावे आहेत, परंतु जोखीम असूनही उदा. प्राणघातक स्थितींसाठी गर्भार स्त्रियांमध्ये वापरण्याचे लाभ ग्राह्य आहेत. कृपया तुमच्या डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.
Terapal 500mg Capsule बहुधा स्तनपान करवण्याच्या दरम्यान वापरण्यास सुरक्षित आहे. मर्यादित मानवीय आकडेवारीवरुन दिसते की या औषधामुळे बाळाला लक्षणीय जोखीम होणार नाही.

Terapal 500mg Capsule साठी क्षार माहिती


Terapal capsule वापरते

Terapal 500mg Capsule ला जैविक संक्रमणेच्या उपचारात वापरले जाते.

Terapal capsuleकसे कार्य करतो

Terapal 500mg Capsule एक एंटीबायोटिक आहे. हे आवश्यक प्रोटीन्सच्या संश्लेषणाला बाधित करुन जीवाणुच्या विकासाला थांबवते, ज्याची जीवाणूंना आवश्यक कामांच्या पूर्ततेसाठी आवश्यकता असते.

Terapal capsule चे सामान्य दुष्प्रभाव

प्रकाशसंवेदनशीलता, उलटी, अन्न खावेसे न वाटणे, अतिसार

Terapal Capsule साठी विकल्प

12 विकल्प
12 विकल्प
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Terapal 500mg Capsuleसाठी नेहमी विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न


Q. Can I drink milk while taking Terapal 500mg Capsule?
No, you should avoid using milk and milk products while taking Terapal 500mg Capsule. Consuming dairy products along with Terapal 500mg Capsule can decrease its absorption from the stomach, which may lead to inadequate affect of this medicine.
Q. How long after taking Terapal 500mg Capsule can I eat?
It is best to wait for 2 hours after consuming Terapal 500mg Capsule. Consuming food along with Terapal 500mg Capsule may decrease its absorption from the stomach.
Q. Can I take Terapal 500mg Capsule with food if its causing stomach upset?
Yes, you can take Terapal 500mg Capsule with food if its causing you stomach upset. However, avoid consuming milk and milk products 1 hr before and 2 hr after taking this medicine.
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Q. How long does Terapal 500mg Capsule takes to work?
Usually, Terapal 500mg Capsule starts working soon after taking it. However, it may take some days to kill all the harmful bacteria and make you feel better.
Q. Can the use of Terapal 500mg Capsule cause diarrhea?
Yes, the use of Terapal 500mg Capsule can cause diarrhea. It is an antibiotic which kills the harmful bacteria. However, it also affects the helpful bacteria in your stomach or intestine and causes diarrhea. If diarrhea persists, talk to your doctor about it.
Q. What is the dose of Terapal 500mg Capsule?
The typical dose of Terapal 500mg Capsule is 500 mg by mouth twice daily or 250 mg by mouth four times daily. You might need a higher dose for more severe infections or for infections that don't resolve with smaller doses. Always follow your doctor’s instructions while taking Terapal 500mg Capsule and do not self-medicate.
Q. Can I take Terapal 500mg Capsule for treating flu or common cold?
Terapal 500mg Capsule is an antibiotic used to treat bacterial infections and is not effective against viral infections such as the common cold, or flu. It is important to only use antibiotics when they are prescribed by a healthcare provider for a bacterial infection.<br>
Q. Can I lie down after immediately taking Terapal 500mg Capsule?
Lying down right after taking Terapal 500mg Capsule can cause esophagus (food pipe) irritation, so don't take it immediately before going to bed.
Q. Can I take oral contraceptives with Terapal 500mg Capsule?
If you are taking any oral contraceptive pill at the same time as Terapal 500mg Capsule, the effectiveness of the pill can be reduced if you have a bout of being sick (vomiting) which lasts for more than 24 hours. In such a case, ask your doctor for additional contraceptive measures.<br>
Q. Can Terapal 500mg Capsule be used to treat dental infections?
Terapal 500mg Capsule may be used to treat dental infections caused by bacteria. However, it is important to consult with your dentist or healthcare provider to determine the most appropriate treatment for your specific condition. In some cases, other antibiotics or dental procedures may be necessary to fully treat a dental infection.

Content on this page was last updated on 07 September, 2024, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)