Nitrozun Tablet साठी कृती अन्न

Nitrozun Tablet साठी कृती दारू

Nitrozun Tablet साठी कृती गर्भधारणा

Nitrozun Tablet साठी कृती स्तनपान

Nitrozun 10mg Tablet ला अन्नासोबत किंवा शिवाय घेतले जाऊ शकते परंतु ते एका विशिष्ठ वेळी घ्यावे.
Nitrozun 10mg Tablet मुळे अल्कोहोलसोबत कदाचित अति झोप आणि शांतपणा जाणवू शकतो.
Nitrozun 10mg Tablet गर्भारपणात असुरक्षित आहे.
मानवी भ्रूणावरील जोखमीचे सकारात्मक पुरावे आहेत, परंतु जोखीम असूनही उदा. प्राणघातक स्थितींसाठी गर्भार स्त्रियांमध्ये वापरण्याचे लाभ ग्राह्य आहेत. कृपया तुमच्या डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.
Nitrozun 10mg Tablet बहुधा स्तनपानाच्या दरम्यान वापरण्यास असुरक्षित आहे. मर्यादित मानवीय आकडेवारी सूचित करते की या औषधाने बाळाला एक लक्षणीय जोखीम होऊ शकते.

Nitrozun 10mg Tablet साठी क्षार माहिती


Nitrozun tablet वापरते

Nitrozun 10mg Tablet ला निद्रानाश (झोपण्यात अडचण येणे)च्या उपचारात वापरले जाते.

Nitrozun tabletकसे कार्य करतो

Nitrozun 10mg Tablet मेंदुच्या चेतापेशींची असामान्य आणि अत्यधिक हालचाल नियंत्रित करणा-या रासायनिक संदेश वाहक- जीएबीएची क्रिया वाढवून झोपेला सामान्य करते आणि झटके किंवा फिट्सना नियंत्रीत करते.

Nitrozun tablet चे सामान्य दुष्प्रभाव

स्मरणशक्तीत बिघाड, गरगरणे, गुंगी येणे, भावनांची बधीरता, नैराश्य, संभ्रम, शरीराच्या असमन्वयित हालचाली

Nitrozun Tablet साठी विकल्प

68 विकल्प
68 विकल्प
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  • Ntp Tablet
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  • Baronite 10mg Tablet
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Nitrozun Tablet साठी निपुण सल्ला

  • Nitrazepam ची सवय लागू शकते, त्यामुळे ते डॉक्टरांनी सांगितल्याप्रमाणे घ्या.
  • Nitrazepam डॉक्टरांनी सांगितल्याशिवाय वापरणे बंद करु नये. आपल्या मर्जीने बंद केल्यास विड्रॉवल सिंड्रोम निर्माण होतो ज्यात उद्वेग आंतर्भूत असू शकतो.
  • Nitrazepam मुळे विशेषत: वयस्क लोकांमध्ये , स्मृति सम्बन्धीत समस्या, पेंग, संभ्रम निर्माण होऊ शकतो.
  • बहुतांश लोकांना असे वाटू शकते की काळानुक्रमे हे कमी असर दाखवत जाते.
  • Nitrazepam घेतल्यावर गाड़ी चालवू नये कारण यामुळे पेंग, चक्कर और ताठरपणा येऊ शकतो.
  • Nitrazepam घेतेवेळी मद्यपान करु नये कारण त्यामुळे अति पेंग येते.
  • आपल्या डॉक्टरांना त्वरीत सूचित करा जर हे औषध घेण्यादरम्यान तुम्ही गर्भवती आहात किंवा गर्भवती बनण्याचे नियोजन करीत आहात.

Nitrozun 10mg Tabletसाठी नेहमी विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न


Q. Does Nitrozun 10mg Tablet get you high?
Yes, Nitrozun 10mg Tablet can get you high especially when more than the recommended dose is used for a long period of time. Patients with a history of alcoholism, drug abuse and personality disorders should be closely monitored since these patients may intentionally take more than the recommended doses of Nitrozun 10mg Tablet to get “high”.
Q. How quickly does Nitrozun 10mg Tablet work?
Nitrozun 10mg Tablet works quickly. It takes 30 to 60 minutes to induce sleep following which the person may remain asleep for 6 to 8 hours. Therefore, it should be taken just before going to bed.
Q. Does Nitrozun 10mg Tablet help you sleep?
Yes, Nitrozun 10mg Tablet is in fact used for short-term treatment of insomnia (trouble falling asleep). It shortens the time taken to fall asleep and lengthens the duration of sleep. It helps you to sleep but does not cure the underlying cause of your insomnia, which you should discuss with your doctor.
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Q. What is Nitrozun 10mg Tablet? How does it make you feel?
Nitrozun 10mg Tablet belongs to the benzodiazepine class of medicines. These medicines are known as tranquillizers, which means they have a calming effect and make you feel relaxed. However, its prolonged use may cause some side effects like excessive drowsiness, reduced alertness, confusion, tiredness, etc.
Q. What are the symptoms of an overdose of Nitrozun 10mg Tablet?
Taking high doses of Nitrozun 10mg Tablet may cause mild or serious side effects. The mild symptoms of an overdose of Nitrozun 10mg Tablet include drowsiness, mental confusion and tiredness. In more serious cases, you may develop inability to move, loss of muscle tone, fall in blood pressure, breathing difficulties, coma (loss of consciousness for a period of time) and very rarely death.
Q. Why has my doctor prescribed Nitrozun 10mg Tablet for a short duration? Can I take it longer than that?
Treatment with Nitrozun 10mg Tablet should be as short as possible. Generally, including the gradual reduction of dose (tapering process), the duration of treatment varies from a few days to two weeks and can extend up to a maximum of four weeks. Higher doses of this medicine are not at all recommended. If you take the medicine for longer than the prescribed duration of time, you may develop physical and psychological dependence and tolerance (higher dose required to have the same effect).
Q. Can I stop taking Nitrozun 10mg Tablet?
Do not stop taking Nitrozun 10mg Tablet before consulting your doctor. Stopping the treatment suddenly may cause withdrawal symptoms which include a recurrence of sleep problems, depression, nervousness, extreme anxiety, tension, restlessness, and confusion. The withdrawal symptoms may also include mood changes, irritability, sweating, diarrhea, headache, and muscle weakness.
Q. Is Nitrozun 10mg Tablet safe for old people?
Nitrozun 10mg Tablet should be used with care in elderly people. Usually, the dose advised for aged people is half of what is normally advised. This means that the dose should be restricted to 2.5 or 5 mg. Since Nitrozun 10mg Tablet relaxes the muscles, elderly patients should take extra care when they get up at night as there is a risk of falls and consequently of injuries including hip fractures.

Content on this page was last updated on 27 September, 2024, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)