Loceryl Nail Lacquer

Rs.786for 1 bottle(s) (2.5 ml Nail Lacquer each)
दुर्दैवाने आमच्याकडे संग्रहात घटक शिल्लक नाहीत.
एररची सूचना द्या

Loceryl 5% w/v Nail Lacquer साठी संमिश्रण

Amorolfine(5% w/v)

Loceryl Nail Lacquer साठी कृती अन्न

Loceryl Nail Lacquer साठी कृती दारू

Loceryl Nail Lacquer साठी कृती गर्भधारणा

Loceryl Nail Lacquer साठी कृती स्तनपान

Loceryl Nail Lacquer साठी कृती मेडिसिन

No interaction found/established
No interaction found/established
अज्ञात. मानव आणि प्राणी यांच्यावरील अभ्यास उपलब्ध नाहीत. कृपया तुमच्या डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.
Loceryl Nail Lacquer चा वापर स्तनपानाच्या दरम्यान खबरदारीने करावा. मातेचा उपचार पूर्ण होईपर्यंत आणि औषध शरीरातून निघून जाईपर्यंत स्तनपान थांबवावे.
No interaction found/established

Loceryl 5% w/v Nail Lacquer साठी क्षार माहिती

Amorolfine(5% w/v)

Loceryl nail lacquer वापरते

Loceryl nail lacquerकसे कार्य करतो

एमोरोलफाइन, कवकविरोधी औषधांच्या श्रेणीत मोडते. हे कवकाच्या वाढीसाठी आवश्यक असलेल्या विकराला थांबवते ज्यामुळे विविध संवेदनशील कवकांचा नाश होतो.

Loceryl nail lacquer चे सामान्य दुष्प्रभाव

त्वचेवर पाण्याचे फोड, नखांची विकृती, त्वचेची आग, त्वचेवर पुरळ, त्वचेला लालसरपणा

Loceryl Nail Lacquer साठी विकल्प

5 विकल्प
5 विकल्प
Sorted By
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  • Amrolstar Nail Lacquer
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  • AM Laqer Nail Lacquer
    (2.5 ml Nail Lacquer in bottle)
    Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd
    Rs. 163.50/ml of Nail Lacquer
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    save 58% more per ml of Nail Lacquer
  • Amrolmac Nail Lacquer
    (2.5 ml Nail Lacquer in bottle)
    Macleods Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
    Rs. 215/ml of Nail Lacquer
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    save 45% more per ml of Nail Lacquer
  • Fintop-NL Nail Lacquer
    (2.5 ml Nail Lacquer in bottle)
    Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd
    Rs. 199.50/ml of Nail Lacquer
    Rs. 399
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Loceryl 5% w/v Nail Lacquerसाठी नेहमी विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न


Q. How often should you use Loceryl Nail Lacquer?
Loceryl Nail Lacquer contains amorolfine which is an antifungal medicine. It is used to treat fungal infections of the nails. It is applied once weekly on the affected finger or toenails. Sometimes your physician may ask you to apply it twice weekly. The affected areas must be cleaned and dried properly. Do not stop the treatment in between even if the symptoms heal. Your doctor will recommend the exact dose and duration of the treatment based on the type of fungal infection.
Q. Is Loceryl Nail Lacquer a steroid?
No, Loceryl Nail Lacquer is not a steroid. It is a medicine which is used to kill a wide variety of infection-causing fungus. It is applied on the affected nails to treat fungal infections.
Q. Can we apply Loceryl Nail Lacquer on other parts of the body?
No, this medicine should not be used on other parts of the body like the eyes, oral cavity, or intravaginally. Its use should be restricted to only nails and skin. Before using the medicine consult the doctor and follow the instructions carefully.
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Q. Can Loceryl Nail Lacquer cause any local reaction or rashes?
Yes, the use of Loceryl Nail Lacquer may cause allergic reactions, but the probability is unknown. Such allergic reaction is not very common and is likely to occur in only susceptible or sensitive individuals. Immediately contact your doctor if you experience such reactions.
Q. Is Loceryl Nail Lacquer safe to be used in kids?
No, Loceryl Nail Lacquer should not be used in children and infants. This is because there is no evidence available to prove the safety of the medicine. Consult your doctor in case your kid develops nail or skin infections or has any nail changes.

Content on this page was last updated on 26 September, 2024, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)