L Tocin Injection साठी कृती अन्न

L Tocin Injection साठी कृती दारू

L Tocin Injection साठी कृती गर्भधारणा

L Tocin Injection साठी कृती स्तनपान

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अल्कोहोलसोबत वर्तन अज्ञात आहे. कृपया डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या. काही नाही
L Tocin 5IU Injection गर्भारपणात अतिशय जोखमीचे आहे.
मानव आणि प्राण्यांवरील अभ्यास भ्रुणावर मोठ्याप्रमाणावर जोखीम दाखवतात. कृपया तुमच्या डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.
L Tocin 5IU Injection बहुधा स्तनपानाच्या दरम्यान वापरण्यास असुरक्षित आहे. मर्यादित मानवीय आकडेवारी सूचित करते की या औषधाने बाळाला एक लक्षणीय जोखीम होऊ शकते.

L Tocin 5IU Injection साठी क्षार माहिती


L tocin injection वापरते

L Tocin 5IU Injection ला प्रसव प्रतिष्ठापना आणि प्रसुतीपश्चात रक्तस्त्रावच्यामध्ये वापरले जाते.

L tocin injectionकसे कार्य करतो

L Tocin 5IU Injection बाळाच्या जन्मादरम्यान गर्भाशयाच्या स्नायुंच्या आकुंचनाला उत्तेजित करते प्लैसेंटामधून प्रसवानंतर होणा-या रक्तस्रावाला नियंत्रित करते.

L tocin injection चे सामान्य दुष्प्रभाव

उलटी, डोकेदुखी, ब्रॅडीकार्डिआ, अन्न खावेसे न वाटणे, हृदयाचे ठोके वाढणे

L Tocin Injection साठी विकल्प

24 विकल्प
24 विकल्प
Sorted By
  • Syntocinon Injection
    (1 ml Injection in ampoule)
    Mylan Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd - A Viatris Company
    Rs. 19.40/ml of Injection
    Rs. 19.96
    pay 10% more per ml of Injection
  • Evatocin 5IU Injection
    (1 ml Injection in vial)
    Neon Laboratories Ltd
    Rs. 17.90/ml of Injection
    Rs. 18.50
    pay 2% more per ml of Injection
  • Oxyton 5IU Injection
    (1 ml Injection in vial)
    Inga Laboratories Pvt Ltd
    Rs. 17.40/ml of Injection
    Rs. 17.93
    save 1% more per ml of Injection
  • Oxystar 5IU Injection
    (1 ml Injection in vial)
    Cadila Pharmaceuticals Ltd
    Rs. 18.20/ml of Injection
    Rs. 18.80
    pay 3% more per ml of Injection
  • Itocin 5IU Injection
    (1 ml Injection in vial)
    Lupin Ltd
    Rs. 3.20/ml of Injection
    Rs. 3.25
    save 82% more per ml of Injection

L Tocin 5IU Injectionसाठी नेहमी विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न


Q. What is L Tocin 5IU Injection and for what it is used for?
L Tocin 5IU Injection is an injectable preparation, which contains Oxytocin. Oxytocin is a hormone, produced naturally by the body. As a medicine, it is used to start or improve the contractions during labor (childbirth) process. It may also be used to minimize the bleeding after childbirth.
Q. How and in what dose can it be used?
It is given as an injection, only at the hospital or clinic by the medical healthcare professional. The dose is decided by the doctor, depending on the contraction pattern or the current medical situation of the patient.
Q. Is there any special precaution should I follow?
Your doctor, would take the proper medical history, and evaluate you before giving this medicine. You should tell the detailed medical history to your doctor. Tell to your doctor if you previously had a premature delivery, or c-section, or any other uterine or cervical surgery.
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Q. What may be the possible side effects associated with it?
It may cause a headache, nausea, vomiting and increased in blood pressure. You may also feel increased uterine contractions for some time. However, these conditions are very much manageable in hospital settings.

Content on this page was last updated on 02 September, 2024, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)