Cyrin 100mg Capsule

Rs.471for 1 strip(s) (5 capsules each)
दुर्दैवाने आमच्याकडे संग्रहात घटक शिल्लक नाहीत.
एररची सूचना द्या

Cyrin 100mg Capsule साठी संमिश्रण


Cyrin Capsule साठी कृती अन्न

Cyrin Capsule साठी कृती दारू

Cyrin Capsule साठी कृती गर्भधारणा

Cyrin Capsule साठी कृती स्तनपान

Cyrin 100mg Capsule ला अन्नासोबत किंवा शिवाय घेतले जाऊ शकते परंतु ते एका विशिष्ठ वेळी घ्यावे.
अल्कोहोलसोबत वर्तन अज्ञात आहे. कृपया डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या. काही नाही
Cyrin 100mg Capsule गर्भारपणात असुरक्षित असू शकते.
प्राण्यांवरील अभ्यास भ्रूणावर घातक परिणाम दर्शवतात, परंतू मानवी अभ्यास मर्यादित आहेत. गर्भार स्त्रियांमध्ये वापरण्याचे लाभ जोखीम असून देखील ग्राह्य आहेत. कृपया तुमच्या डॉक्टरांचा सल्ला घ्या.
Cyrin 100mg Capsule स्तनपानाच्या दरम्यान वापरण्यास असुरक्षित आहे. आकेडवारीवरुन सूचित होतं की या औषधामुळे बाळाला विषबाधा होऊ शकते, किंवा स्तनपान करवणे योग्य नाही अशा स्थितीचा मातेला त्रास होत आहे.

Cyrin 100mg Capsule साठी क्षार माहिती


Cyrin capsule वापरते

Cyrin capsule चे सामान्य दुष्प्रभाव

डोकेदुखी, अन्न खावेसे न वाटणे, उलटी, केसांची वाढ होणे, वाढलेला रक्तदाब , मूत्राशयाची विकृती, भूक कमी होणे, अतिसार, थरथर

Cyrin Capsule साठी विकल्प

21 विकल्प
21 विकल्प
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Cyrin 100mg Capsuleसाठी नेहमी विचारले जाणारे प्रश्न


Q. Is Cyrin 100mg Capsule a steroid?
No, Cyrin 100mg Capsule is not a steroid. It belongs to a group of medicines known as immunosuppressive agents. It decreases the action of the body’s immune system.
Q. Can Cyrin 100mg Capsule cause weight gain?
Yes, Cyrin 100mg Capsule may cause weight gain. However, the changes in weight are uncommon side effects of this medicine. Consult your doctor if these side effects worry you.
Q. Does Cyrin 100mg Capsule cause hair growth?
Yes, the use of Cyrin 100mg Capsule may cause abnormal hair growth (hypertrichosis) as a common side effect of Cyrin 100mg Capsule, though it does not affect everyone.
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Q. Does Cyrin 100mg Capsule cause fatigue?
Yes, Cyrin 100mg Capsule may cause fatigue as a common side effect. However, fatigue could also be due to an underlying disease. Discuss with your doctor if this side effect worries you.
Q. Do I need to get any tests done while being treated with Cyrin 100mg Capsule?
Yes, the doctor may suggest tests to check the levels of Cyrin 100mg Capsule in your blood, especially if you have had a transplant. You may also be advised to get your blood pressure checked before the start of your treatment and regularly during treatment. In addition, liver and kidney function tests along with your blood lipids (fats), will be checked.
Q. Can Cyrin 100mg Capsule cause cancer?
Cyrin 100mg Capsule is known to suppress the immune system. This as a result, increases your risk of developing cancers, particularly of the skin and lymphoid system. You should limit your exposure to sunlight and UV light by wearing appropriate protective clothing. Sunscreen should be applied frequently with a high protection factor.
Q. What are the side effects of Cyrin 100mg Capsule?
Cyrin 100mg Capsule may cause side effects such as headache, diarrhea, heartburn, increased hair growth on the face, arms, or back, growth of extra tissue on the gums, acne, flushing, and uncontrollable shaking of a part of your body. You may also experience burning or tingling sensation in the hands, arms, feet, or legs, muscle or joint pain, cramps, pain or pressure in the face, ear problems, breast enlargement in men, depression and difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
Q. How should Cyrin 100mg Capsule be taken?
Take Cyrin 100mg Capsule strictly as advised by your doctor. The doctor will decide and carefully adjust your dose according to your medical requirements. It is important to keep a constant amount of Cyrin 100mg Capsule in the body, and hence, the medicine should be taken at the same time each day. Not only is the time of day important, but also when Cyrin 100mg Capsule is taken concerning meals.
Q. How long do I need to take Cyrin 100mg Capsule?
Take Cyrin 100mg Capsule for as long as the doctor has advised. The duration of treatment depends on whether you are taking it after a transplant or for the treatment of other conditions. Usually, the treatment may last for 8 weeks if you are taking it for severe rash.
Q. What is Cyrin 100mg Capsule used for?
Cyrin 100mg Capsule is used in combination with other medications which are used to prevent transplant rejection (attack of the transplanted organ by the immune system of the person who received the organ) in people who have received kidney, liver and heart transplants. These combination medicines also help to treat the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (a disease, affecting the joints with pain and swelling) in patients whose symptoms were not relieved by methotrexate alone. It is also used to treat psoriasis (a skin disease in which red, scaly patches form on some areas of the body), and atopic dermatitis (skin allergies).

Content on this page was last updated on 16 September, 2024, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)