
Information about Tazobactum

Tazobactum uses

Tazobactum is used in the treatment of bacterial infections.

How tazobactum works

Tazobactum is a beta-lactamase inhibitor. It works by blocking an enzyme (beta lactamase) produced by bacteria to inactivate antibiotics. This reduces resistance and enhances the activity of antibiotics against bacteria.

Common side effects of tazobactum

No common side effects seen

Available Medicine for Tazobactum

    Expert advice for Tazobactum

    • Tazobactum is used in treatment of severe bacterial infections, in combination with certain antibiotics.
    • It is preferentially given as an injection directly into a vein over a period of 15-60 minutes.

    Content on this page was last updated on 18 February, 2020, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)