
Information about Furosemide

Furosemide uses

Furosemide is used in the treatment of Hypertension (high blood pressure) and Edema. It treats oedema (fluid overload) associated with heart, liver, kidney or lung disease.

How furosemide works

Furosemide is a diuretic. It removes extra water and certain electrolytes from the body by increasing the amount of urine produced.

Common side effects of furosemide

Dehydration, Ringing in ear, Electrolyte imbalance, Increased creatinine level in blood, Increased glucose level in blood, Hemoconcentration, Increased uric acid level in blood, Nausea, Hearing disorder, Vasculitis, Anaphylactic reaction, Paresthesia (tingling or pricking sensation), Bone marrow depression

Available Medicine for Furosemide

  • ₹13 to ₹16
    Sanofi India Ltd
    3 variant(s)
  • ₹111
    Samarth Life Sciences Pvt Ltd
    1 variant(s)
  • ₹5 to ₹9
    Geno Pharmaceuticals Ltd
    2 variant(s)
  • ₹2
    Ind Swift Laboratories Ltd
    1 variant(s)
  • ₹2
    Intas Pharmaceuticals Ltd
    1 variant(s)
  • ₹3
    Tribhawan Injectables
    1 variant(s)
  • ₹3 to ₹4
    Morepen Laboratories Ltd
    3 variant(s)
  • ₹5 to ₹25
    Arco Lifesciences
    2 variant(s)
  • ₹4
    Favnox Pharmaceuticals Private Limited
    1 variant(s)
  • ₹8
    Care Formulation Labs Pvt Ltd
    1 variant(s)

Expert advice for Furosemide

  • Take it in the morning with breakfast to avoid getting up at night to urinate.
  • Monitor your blood pressure after starting Furosemide, and notify your doctor if it does not lower down.
  • Consult your doctor if you experience dizziness, tiredness, or muscle weakness that does not go away.
  • Take potassium supplements or potassium-rich diet (banana, spinach, coconut water, etc.) as Furosemide can decrease your potassium levels and lead to dehydration.
  • You may be asked to get regular blood tests done to monitor your kidney function.

Frequently asked questions for Furosemide


Q. How is Furosemide different from Torasemide?
Both Furosemide and Torasemide are loop diuretics. They are used to treat high blood pressure and edema caused by an underlying liver, kidney or lung diseases. Unlike Torasemide, Furosemide is also used in the treatment of hypercalcemia (high calcium levels in the blood). Torasemide has a longer duration of action and is safer to use in patients with renal failure, as compared to Furosemide.
Q. Should you drink a lot of water when taking Furosemide?
It is advised to take an adequate amount of water if you are taking Furosemide. This is because Furosemide works by eliminating the extra fluid and electrolytes from your body by increasing the urine production. This elimination of fluids may increase the chances of dehydration if you sweat a lot, exercise vigorously or if the climate is hot. However, if you have kidney or heart problems, you must consult your doctor who will suggest the amount of water that you should be taking. Consult your doctor for any further query or concern.
Q. Can Furosemide cause weight gain?
No, Furosemide does not cause weight gain. On the contrary, you may lose weight as it makes your body get rid of the excess of fluids from your body.
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Q. What if I take too much Furosemide?
If you take too much Furosemide, you may have certain side effects such as headache, irregular heartbeat, dizziness and temporary loss of consciousness. Additionally, you may notice increased thirst, causing frequent urination. Immediately contact your doctor if you notice any such side effects or feel unwell.
Q. How long will I need to take it for?
Furosemide should be taken in the dose and duration prescribed by the doctor. Depending on the illness you are being treated for, you may have to take it for a long term, even for the rest of your life. Do not stop taking Furosemide without consulting your doctor. Sudden discontinuation of the medicine may lead to worsening of your condition. For instance, your blood pressure may suddenly shoot up if you are taking it for hypertension (high blood pressure), or your swelling (edema) may worsen. However, if you require a dose adjustment or further assistance, consult your doctor.
Q. What other lifestyle changes should I make while taking Furosemide?
Lifestyle changes play a major role in keeping you healthy. Stop smoking and taking alcohol as this helps in lowering your blood pressure and preventing heart problems. Exercise regularly and take a balanced diet that includes whole grains, fresh fruits, vegetables and fat-free products. Avoid taking excess salt in your diet. Practice yoga or meditation and find ways to reduce or manage stress in your life. Ensure that you have a sound sleep every night as this also reduces your stress and hence helps in keeping your blood pressure normal. Consult your doctor if you need any further help to get maximum benefit of Furosemide and to keep healthy.
Q. Can I stop taking Furosemide if my blood pressure has lowered down?
No, you should not stop taking Furosemide even if your blood pressure is controlled. Sudden discontinuation of medicine may increase your blood pressure again and the chances of getting a heart attack and stroke may also increase. Consult your doctor if you are having any side effects or if you want to come off Furosemide. Your doctor may be able to prescribe a different medicine for controlling your blood pressure or may suggest ways to cope up with the side effects. You should understand that you need Furosemide to prevent further complications and therefore, you must not stop taking it without consulting your doctor.

Content on this page was last updated on 06 March, 2020, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)