Ethinyl Estradiol

Information about Ethinyl Estradiol

Ethinyl estradiol uses

How ethinyl estradiol works

Ethinyl Estradiol is a synthetic estrogen (female hormone). In women of reproductive age, it helps in maintaining normal menstrual cycle (periods). In women undergoing menopause, it works by fulfilling the deficiency of estrogen hormone, thereby preventing symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats and mood swings.

Common side effects of ethinyl estradiol

Headache, Nausea, Breast tenderness, Uterine bleeding

Available Medicine for Ethinyl Estradiol

  • ₹15
    Bennet Pharmaceuticals Limited
    1 variant(s)
  • ₹12 to ₹54
    Mac Millon Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
    2 variant(s)
  • ₹14 to ₹22
    Empiai Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd
    2 variant(s)
  • ₹15
    McW Healthcare
    1 variant(s)
  • ₹22 to ₹39
    Organon (India) Ltd
    3 variant(s)
  • ₹14
    Unicure India Pvt Ltd
    1 variant(s)
  • ₹12 to ₹32
    Midas Healthcare Ltd
    2 variant(s)
  • ₹699
    Akumentis Healthcare Ltd
    1 variant(s)
  • ₹25
    TOSC International Pvt Ltd
    1 variant(s)
  • ₹260
    Bipi Lifesciences Pvt Ltd
    1 variant(s)

Expert advice for Ethinyl Estradiol

  • Ethinyl Estradiol is used as a part of hormone replacement therapy in older women who are going through menopause or in younger women whose ovaries have not developed properly.
  • It may also be used to treat prostate cancer in men and to prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
  • Take it at the same time everyday to help you remember to take it.
  • You may experience menstrual irregularities such as spotting or bleeding between menstrual periods or missed periods. Consult your doctor if this persists.
  • Ensure that you undergo regular breast screening (for presence of lumps or any abnormal changes) and cervical smear test while taking this medicine.
  • Stop taking this medicine and inform your doctor immediately if you notice unexplained swelling and pain in your limbs, shortness of breath, chest pain, severe headache, or changes in vision. These could be symptoms of a blood clot in a vein.

Frequently asked questions for Ethinyl Estradiol

Ethinyl Estradiol

Q. What is Ethinyl Estradiol and what is it used for?
Ethinyl Estradiol is type of female sex hormone. It is used as hormone replacement therapy. It can also be used to treat problems related to your monthly menstrual periods. In some women, it may be used to prevent osteoporosis (thinning and weakening of bone), but only if they are unable to take other medicines for this condition. In men, it may be prescribed for the treatment of prostate cancer.
Q. When and how to take Ethinyl Estradiol?
Take this medicine as per the advice of your doctor. However, you must try to take Ethinyl Estradiol at the same time every day to ensure consistent levels of the medicine in your body.
Q. What if I miss to take Ethinyl Estradiol?
If you miss a dose, you should take it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost the time for your next dose, do not take the missed dose but simply continue the usual dosing schedule. However, missing a dose may increase the likelihood of breakthrough bleeding and spotting (blood stain). If the bleeding lasts longer, consult your doctor.
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Q. What are the most common side effects which I may experience while taking Ethinyl Estradiol?
The common side effects associated with Ethinyl Estradiol are nausea, breast tenderness, headache, weight gain, mood changes, and vaginal discharge. Most of these symptoms are temporary. However, if they persist, check with your doctor as soon as possible.

Content on this page was last updated on 18 February, 2020, by Dr. Varun Gupta (MD Pharmacology)