Tuberculosis (TB)


Tuberculosis (TB) is a bacterial infection that usually affects the lungs. It is caused by bacteria called Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The disease is contagious and severe and can be fatal if not treated. It spreads from one person to another via small droplets released into the air by a person suffering from TB.

TB can also affect other body organs such as the lymph nodes, bones, joints, kidney, spine, and brain.
Causes and Risk factors
TB usually occurs when you come in contact with the TB-causing bacteria. Other bacteria that can cause TB are Mycobacterium africanum and Mycobacterium bovis.

Risk factors for TB include:
1. Being in close contact with someone suffering from TB.
2. Low immunity: Children, elderly or those with HIV infection are more prone to TB infection.
3. Smoking
4. Alcohol abuse also increases your risk for TB infection
Signs and Symptoms
Symptoms depend on the body organ infected by the bacteria. Sometimes, the bacteria may be present in the body without causing the disease. It is called latent TB infection. In other cases, TB infection may cause symptoms to appear within a few weeks (active TB infection).
When it affects the lungs, the symptoms of pulmonary (lung) TB include:
1. Constant cough lasting 3 weeks or more
2. Shortness of breath
3. Blood in the cough
4. Weakness or fatigue
5. Loss of appetite
6. Fever
7. Chest pain
8. Red rashes on the legs
Your doctor may perform a physical exam and do a chest x-ray, CT scan or bronchoscopy.
Two types of tests are used for diagnosing TB:
1. TB skin test
2. TB blood test
Treatment for TB depends on whether your TB is latent or active. Latent TB infection requires treatment as it may progress to active form when your immunity goes down. Four kinds of treatment regimens with duration extending from 3 to 9 months are available for treatment of latent TB infection.
Treatment for active TB infection involves 2 stages: Intensive phase for first 2 months followed by continuation phase for 4 to 6 months. You may need to take a combination of several drugs during the treatment period. DOT (directly observed therapy) is recommended to ensure adherence to treatment regimen.
A good diet that helps build up immunity is essential for treating TB.
Complications and When Should You See a Doctor 
If not treated early, TB may spread to other parts of the body. If you do not take your medicines as prescribed by the doctor, your TB may progress into drug-resistant TB where it stops responding to medicines.

Contact a medical professional if you:
1. Cough up blood
2. Have sudden onset of chest pain with shortness of breath
3. Stop responding to treatment
4. Develop TB symptoms again after full recovery


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