

Hypothyroidism is a condition where thyroid gland is less active. The amount of thyroid hormone produced is less than the optimum levels.The thyroid hormone is an essential metabolic hormone.
It is seen in adults above the age of 40 years. It is more common in women.
Causes and Risk Factors 
1. Autoimmune thyroiditis,also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis where body’s immune system attacks and damage cells of thyroid gland
2. Severe iodine deficiency
3. Congenital birth defects
4. Pregnancy
Symptoms and Signs 
Common symptoms are,  
1. Weight gain
2. Fatigue
3. Constipation
4. Cold intolerance
5. Coarse, dry hair
6. Brittle nails
7. Dry, rough skin
8. Hair loss
9. Muscle cramps and frequent muscle aches
10. Puffiness of face
11. Depression
12. Irritability
13. Decreased concentration
14. Memory loss
15. Irregular menstrual cycles
16. Decreased libido
1. Your doctor will ask you to get your Thyroid tests done. 
a) Thyroid hormone levels consisting of T3, T4 levels
b) TSH levels
2. Other tests to detect auto antibodies for thyroid
3. Thyroid gland scan
1. Medications include, 
a)Synthetic forms of the T4 thyroid hormone
Complications and When Should You See a Doctor 
1. Compensatory goiter- this occurs due to high levels of TSH secretion from pituitary gland.
2. Low blood pressure
3. Low blood sugar
4. Severe depression
5. Infertility
6. Miscarriage
7. Osteoporosis
8. May result in heart failure or coma


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