

Hyperthyroidism is defined as a condition where excess of thyroid hormones are produced by the thyroid gland. In this condition, there is an excess of thyroid hormones (T3- thyroxine and T4 -triiodothyronine) that is responsible for metabolism in our body and help maintain the overall BMR.
Signs and Symptoms 
Common signs include,
1. Hyped metabolism 
2. Tachycardia and palpitation (pounding heart beats)
3. Weight loss in spite of voracious appetite
4. Frequent bowel movements
5. Fine tremors
6. Fatigue and generalized weakness 
7. Insomnia
8. Hyperactivity, irritability, impaired concentration, nervousness and psychosis.
Causes and Risk Factors 
Common causes and risk factors include,
1. Graves' disease is one of the most common causes of hyperthyroidism
2. Excess of iodine excess
3. Increased functionality of the thyroid nodules
4. Thyroiditis 
1. Blood investigation for TSH, T3, T4: high T3 & T4 
2. Thyroid scintigraphy is a useful test to characterize (distinguish between causes of) hyperthyroidism, and this entity from thyroiditis.This test procedure typically involves two tests performed in connection with each other: an iodine uptake test and a scan (imaging) with a gamma camera.
3. Differential Diagnosis include,
a) Anxiety and panic attacks
b) Weight loss due to malignancy
1. Medications include,
a) Antithyroid drugs
b) Beta blockers
c) Radioactive iodine 
2. Surgical Treatment includes,
a) Subtotal thyroidectomy 


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